Dec 05 2011

Obama – The Anti-Israel President

I think this speaks for itself.

Nov 03 2011

Debunking the Palestine Lie

The TRUTH is what you need, and that alone should spur you to support of Israel.


Aug 06 2011

It’s Time for Some Accurate Information

Category: Israel,News and InformationMARKAMinc @ 7:09 pm

Do you know the truth about the "West Bank"?

Aug 18 2010

Seperation of Church and State

Most people, including those in Washington and our courts, have a misguided and incorrect idea of what this concept is. Most mistakenly think its even in the Constitution but its not there. What is there is so different from what the medis tells you is there that its a disgrace to us all. The problem is that we as Americans have left ourselves so vulnerable to the loss of our freedoms, the rewriting of our history, and the perversions of our Constitution and what it says, stands for, and provides for us that we are slowly loosing or place and our potential as FREE CITIZENS in a FREE COUNTRY. We are becomeing no more than sheep for the crooks that we constantly elect to fleece us. Education is the key, and it must be the TRUTH that we accept in that education. We must go back to the sources and NOT the revisionist version that has been edited and perverted then spoon fed to us thru the liberal media. Wallbuilders is a source for the truth. They have the actual documents written by the founding fathers. If you want to know the truth on the "idea" of Seperation of Church and State, well here it is in a nutshell. The history and the meaning in 2:31.


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